-2.5 C
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

New Warning Signs for Teton Pass


Truckers driving toward Teton Pass from either the Idaho or Wyoming side might notice new signs along the highway. The Wyoming Department of Transportation and the Idaho Transportation Department have both replaced signs warning tractor-trailers of restrictions during the winter season.

Old signs have been replaced on Idaho State Highway 33 (WYO 22) at mile marker 110.69 near Rexburg and 138.79 near Driggs, according to a WYDOT news release. Signs near Victor and the state line will also be installed. The existing sign near the Trail Creek Campground will be removed, as the “no trailer” restriction applies to WYO 22 Teton Pass, which begins at the state line.

The existing Teton Pass warning sign on WYO 22 near Wilson at mile marker 3.63 has been replaced with two modified signs.  Another enhanced sign has been installed near mile marker 4.9.

New signs will also replace old signs warning commercial vehicle drivers of a year-round weight restriction at Teton Pass.

Drivers who violate the restrictions can be fined up to $435. Additional charges of careless driving can tack on a $235 fine. More egregious offenders can face a reckless driving charge, which could result in up to six months in jail and/or up to $750 in fines.