A few years ago the small Eastern Ontario Truck Show held in the village of Sterling closed up but not because it was a failure. In fact it was so successful it outgrew its volunteer list. The void left by Stirling’s collapse was exacerbated by the total collapse of Fergus.
Well that void is being absorbed with a new Eastern Ontario Truck Show in Marmora. It’s just a hop down the road from Stirling but maybe easier to attend because it’s right on Highway 7, a little east of Peterborough.
“January will officially kick off our Marmora Truck Show planning as our 15 acre site will start to be cleared, Truck Show signage will go up and our reach out to our partners will begin. I can remember when we organized the first Stirling Truck Show many years ago and the first show was the hardest of all as people needed to believe that we were going to be able to make it work”, says Ruth Potts in her announcement of the show.
Potts goes on to say “I am also proud to unveil our show site layout. This plan will allow truckers, exhibitors and sponsors to register and pick their favourite spot right away. As you know, the prime spots are coveted at any show so be sure to get yours as soon as possible. You can register right on our site at www.MarmoraTruckShow.com.”