20 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Wear Plaid For Dad

Ontario carriers are ‘wearing plaid for Dad’ this month and raising money for prostate cancer research.

In order to raise awareness about prostate cancer as well as money to help fight the disease, a movement is underway to wear plaid for Dad on June 19. James Steed of Steed Standard Transport, and an Ontario Trucking Association board member, wants the trucking industry to get involved.

He’s challenging other OTA members – and the trucking industry at large – to participate.

“I am James Steed and I accept the challenge and will be wearing plaid on June 19 to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer,” he announced. “We encourage you to wear plaid for dad as well and challenge your industry competitors and anyone else you wish.”

Steed’s own father battled prostate cancer, so he knows all-too-well the impact the disease can have. One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, stats show.