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Friday, March 14, 2025

Truck Stop Gambling in PA


The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board gave temporary approval to four truck stops operated by Love’s to run video gaming terminals on their properties. Although final approval could come by the end of 2019; local officials plan to revisit the legislation to make changes that could authorize local governments to opt out of allowing gambling.

State Senator, Scott Martin, is pushing for a bill that would give local governments a 90-day window to disallow gambling.

“The applications now are popping up everywhere, and convenience stores, these rest stops are making requests to change things on their property to accommodate that,” Scott Martin, said. “Our local governments, our citizens have been upset that all of these applications for video gaming terminals are popping up.”

Previously in 2017, Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf, signed into law a proposal that seriously expanded gambling throughout the state. Initially, truck stops and large convenience stores were not included.

“A number of states have explored legalized gaming in one form or another as a way to add much-needed revenues to state and local coffers,” said Vice President of Public Affairs for Natso, Tiffany Wlazlowski. “Some lawmakers who have gone down this path have viewed travel centres as a location where gaming activity can take place.”

She added, “It has been implemented successfully in multiple jurisdictions throughout the country, and Natso is happy to be a part of the conversation as state and local governments determine what is best for them and their constituents.”