-2.5 C
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Called into Question


Following an enormous wreck on the 401 near Prescott during last week’s storm, resulting in the unspeakable death of a truck driver, the Mayor of nearby Brockville is calling for Dangerous Goods to be restricted from moving during storms.

This particular section of the 401 has been the site of numerous serious wrecks over the years regardless of weather conditions. Fog is frequent in this area. Wicked lake effect snow is common. Black ice is almost a constant issue for drivers to negotiate. Basically, anything could be reason to restrict the movement of Dangerous Goods.

So why is the good Mayor on such a tear now? Killing wrecks, particularly this one because of the horror with which the driver died is a money maker for a politician. He can say “look how I stood up for my community” with a straight face knowing full well nothing will change.