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Sunday, February 16, 2025

The OTA Convention and Executive Forum has a new home

Listen Up: Ready for the Best Convention Speaker Lineup We’ve Ever Assembled?

The OTA Convention and Executive Forum (Nov. 13-14) has a new home – The Ritz-Carlton in downtown Toronto. And complementing this year’s exciting venue change is a jam-packed business agenda featuring the most thought-provoking and inspiring lineup of speakers and panelists we’ve ever assembled for convention:

Business Therapy

An expert on leadership and change, Tom Connellan has been dubbed “the Dr. Phil of corporate performance.” His highly customized presentations are fast-paced and entertaining, providing audiences with “how-to’s” on creating customer loyalty, attaining superior sales performance, or navigating turbulent economic times.

Flying High

If you’re looking to take your business to new heights, enlist Don Bell as your co-pilot. One of the founders of WestJet, Bell is widely credited with helping to make the company one of North America’s most prosperous. He will share with OTA carriers his secretes to understanding business from the “ground up” and building an inspirational “game changing” corporate culture.

Making Change

Considered one of the most successful senior business communication executives of our time, Mark Thompson, CEO and co-founder of the Business Entrepreneurship Hub for Virgin Unite and author of Success Built To Last, shares his insights from studying the success of world-class companies that have confronted change and generated teams that lead to unstoppable growth.

Talkin’ About Next Generation

Has there ever been a bigger generational gap in trucking? Renowned author and business columnist Doug Robbins will facilitate a can’t-miss session between veteran fleet owners and the next generation of trucking professionals as they discuss how they are bridging the generation gaps at their companies.

And that’s not all! Our traditional State of the Industry Outlook is back and better than ever. Join our all-star panel of freight economy experts as they explain current and long-term trucking trends. Featuring: Noel Perry, FTR Associates; John Larkin, Managing Director, Stifel Associates; Doug Payne, President and COO, Nulogx Inc.; Emanuella Enenajor, Economist, CIBC World Markets (TBC).

Click here to register and see the full Convention agenda – including all business sessions, receptions, Next Gen program and Casino Royale Poker Tournament. And don’t forget to talk and stir some buzz about the Convention at the OTA Premier Events Facebook page.