A new group calling itself Ontario Antique Trucks is about to stage the first of what it hopes will be an annual Vintage Truck Show. Restricted to trucks 20 years and older (no pickups, please), the event will be different than most others of its ilk in that there will be no entry fee for truck owners nor an admittance charge for spectators.
The date is September 8 and the venue is the Seaforth Fairgrounds at 140 Duke St. in Seaforth, Ontario, just west of Stratford.
This is a new venture for Verdun Zurbrigg, formerly a key player in the Clifford Antique and Classic Truck Show, who has been away from the scene for over four months now. He missed being involved with the antique truck community, he says, and after being asked by many old-truck enthusiasts if he would be putting together another show, Zurbrigg decided to take them up on the challenge. He approached the Seaforth Agricultural Society with the idea of hosting the show at their fairgrounds and they welcomed him with open arms.
“We are happy to host another truck show here,” says Lyle Haney, president of the Society. “We have needed a new event at our fairgrounds,”
The intent is simply for antique truck devotees to display their old iron while checking out what others have brought to the show, Zurbrigg explains. The emphasis is on simple camaraderie. All antique trucks are welcome, from the totally and lovingly refurbished to the found-behind-the-barn rusty relics.
“All of them will have a story, which is the purpose of this show,” says Zurbrigg, “It’s for people who want to look over an assortment of trucks and have a chance to re-live the good old days with fellow truckers. Telling stories on where they found their trucks or how they spent untold hours overhauling their rig is going to be a big part of what this show is all about.”
The show is a one-day affair from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. but there will be camping available at a rate of $30 per night, with water and hydro, provided by the Seaforth Agricultural Society, which will also have a food booth on site. There will be door prizes.
Ontario Antique Trucks is not a club, Zurbrigg explains.
“We are simply a group of antique truck lovers,” he says. “The hope is to stage this yearly show, along with a few other shows and outings throughout the year. There are no memberships or fees, we want to keep it simple.”