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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ohio now offers Drivewyze weigh station bypass service


Ohio now offers Drivewyze weigh station bypass service at two busy permanent weigh station locations on U.S. Interstates 70 and 71.

“The delivery of the bypass service in Ohio is an important step forward in the continued expansion of North America’s largest bypass service network,” said Brian Heath, president and CEO of Drivewyze.

Through an agreement between Drivewyze and the Ohio Dept. of Public Safety (DPS), the state recently began offering weigh station bypasses at these two stations:

Guernsey weigh station on I-70 westbound near milepost 173, a little over 70 miles east of Columbus and about 10 miles west of the I-70/I-77 interchange;
Clinton weigh station on I-71 northbound near milepost 49, about 50 miles northeast of Cincinnati.
These two sites represent some of the busiest weigh station operations in Ohio and the new service sites will provide substantial benefits to both the state and to carriers using the Drivewyze service, Heath said. By providing Drivewyze service, the Ohio DPS will reduce congestion in and around these two weigh stations, so that freight can move more efficiently throughout the state.

“Truck fleets and drivers traveling westbound on I-70 between the Pennsylvania-Ohio state border and Columbus or northbound on I-71 between Cincinnati and Columbus can now receive bypasses so long as they meet the state’s criteria,” Heath said. “I-70 is a major transportation corridor for long-haul fleets and regional operators traveling through the state from Pennsylvania to Indiana. Meanwhile I-71 is more of a workhorse connection for fleets and operators moving Ohio-based freight among Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland.”

“Drivewyze software integrates your existing in-cab fleet management devices to deliver weigh station bypass, instead of requiring dated transponder technology, which can get damaged or lost,” Heath added. “Transponder-based customers get two bills: the first for the service and the second for the damage and replacement fees. This means the costs for stand-alone transponders are much higher than they first appear, especially when you take into account the hidden costs of added administration to manage physical transponders, the expense of inventorying spare transponders, and the costs of battery replacements and transponder installations and removals with vehicle turnover.”

“Drivewyze outperforms and offers more security than traditional transponders,” he added. “Unlike traditional transponders, Drivewyze can identify trucks with more than 99 percent accuracy without the need for deploying hardware at the roadside. And unlike traditional transponders that use open-radio protocols, Drivewyze can communicate through secure and encrypted internet protocols, so no unauthorized identification or tracking of your vehicle can occur.”