After more than a year and a half of negotiating, posturing and feather puffing, the winners and losers yet to be determined, We have a deal on the table.
Reports say that Canada got to keep Article 19, that allows for a dispute resolution mechanism. No doubt Article 19 was Trump’s giveaway while getting everything else he wanted and from the cursory reports it appears it was a Trump win.
The Quebec dairy industry probably feels it’s a loser today and this being Election Day in Quebec, there may be some vengeance taken out on government, any government. An hour after the polls close, tonight we may see how that vengeance plays out.
Suffice to say the auto parts trucking as we knew yesterday will continue today, tomorrow and beyond.
Trump appears to have succeeded in getting the Sunset Clause which means Canada and Mexico will feel the Elephant roll over every five years. But today, we have our jobs. Today, we will cross the border fairly unfettered. Today we rejoice