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Monday, February 10, 2025

Innovation in Driver Safety


Fatal crashes: In 2015, a total of 4,311 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes, an 8% increase from 2014 and a 26% increase from 2009.

When outward-facing cameras are combined with fleet management solutions, fleet managers gain greater power to monitor and, more importantly, coach drivers to improve safety and overall operations. 

Some drivers push back because they perceive it as Big Brother technology, but they often learn to embrace it when they see how it can benefit them. 

In the decades since its inception, telematics technology has evolved from dots on a map. Many transportation providers already have telematics solutions in place that tell them where drivers are, but with the evolution of telematics technology, providers can now know more about what drivers are doing—even what is happening around them at the time of an event.

Learn more with this free whitepaper from Zonar.