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Thursday, March 13, 2025

CTA President Comments in Support of NITC Bridge

(Aug. 9, 2012) — On behalf of the 4,500 member companies of the Canadian Trucking Alliance – most of whom are involved in the movement of trade between the United States and Canada – I urge the US Department of State to act expeditiously on the issuance of the Presidential Permit for the construction of the New International Trade Crossing (NITC) at Detroit-Windsor.

As you know, on June 15, 2012, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced an agreement between Canada and Michigan to build a new publicly owned bridge at North America’s busiest and most strategically important gateway for trade. US Secretary of Transport, Ray LaHood was a participant in the announcement and provided the Obama administration’s support for this essential project.

However, in order for the process of constructing this vital link to begin and for the jobs – on both sides of the border – associated with building it to be realized, the US Presidential Permit is needed. The economic, social, environmental and security benefits associated with the NITC have been well-documented and do not need to be repeated here. Suffice it to say, that with all of the economic turmoil and uncertainty in the world today, the relationship between the United States and Canada, and the nurturing of the world’s largest bilateral trade relationship, remains a bright light, a bastion of hope and a key to prosperity for the citizens of our two great nations.

With the NITC, a glorious opportunity has presented itself to contribute to the promise of prosperity in both the short and long-term. Let’s get the bridge built!