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Friday, March 14, 2025

Woman Finds Hero Truck Driver

Woman Finds Hero Truck Driver Who Comforted Her After Accident


Rebecca Boster, a waitress in Wray, Colorado, was in a serious car accident on September 21 and was blessed to be comforted by a truck driver who stopped to wait with her until emergency services arrived. Boster posted a message on her Facebook page, explaining she was looking to find the man and thank him.

“I’m looking for the special trucker that was on us Hwy 385 south of wray, Colorado on Friday September 21st 2018 that held my hand in a 1 car accident that I was involved in around 3:30-3:45 pm that day I’d like to thank him and tell him he was a lifesaver to me holding my hand the whole time I was hanging upside down by my seatbelt bleeding out of my head . Can you all help me find him ??

I want to thank him for being a hero to me I was told he was driving a blue unknown make of truck with a reefer refrigerator trailer on it share share share to fine this hero.”

The post was shared over 55,000 times and Boster was able to locate the amazing truck driver who was her hero that day. Mark Payne sent Boster the following message on Facebook:

“Hello Rebecca. I’m the truck driver who held your hand and talked you through the 18 minutes of what must have felt like an eternity for you. I’m not the hero though as that is you. Throughout the 18 minutes we talked you was so calm and extremely polite. You held on like a trooper in a position of extreme uncomfortable agony. I’m truly glad that you survived the ordeal, you have a beautiful soul that will outshine the memory of that day.”

We’re so happy Rebecca was able to find her truck driver hero!