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Friday, March 14, 2025

WSDOT offers text alerts for I-90/Snoqualmie Pass closures

Autumn has officially arrived, which means inclement weather in colder regions is right around the corner, including Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State. Addressing the issue, the Washington State Department of Transportation is offering text message alerts for closures in the Interstate 90/Snoqualmie Pass region.

After signing up for the alerts, motorists will be notified of events affecting travel along Interstate 90 in Washington. Text message alerts include major collisions, backups of more than 30 minutes, pass closures, heavy snow forecast and avalanche control work.

To sign up, send a text message to 468311 with the words “wsdot snoqualmie” in the message. Unsubscribe anytime by sending “wsdot stop” to the same number.

Those interested can also go to https://service.govdelivery.com/accounts/WADOT/subscriber/new and select “SMS/Text Message” when choosing subscription type. From there, enter the cellphone number and confirm the number. Select “I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Travel Alerts” as the topic.

This service is separate from the Freight Alerts and is not considered a replacement.