2.9 C
Friday, March 14, 2025

What is happening to our industry?

The Truckload Carriers Association recognized a trucker as a highway angel for doing something that any sane human being, trucker or not, should and would do.  

There had been an incident in which an SUV passed a big truck in inclement weather, lost control and spun out, hitting a tree.  The trucker stopped, checked on the SUV occupants, called 911, determined the health of the occupants, then, kept the SUV occupants calm until first responders arrived, then continued his shift.  Isn’t that what any caring human should and would do?

This trucker, undoubtedly, didn’t do it to be recognized and being recognized in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, but is this what our world has become?   We shouldn’t need a pat on the back for doing the right thing.  

The issue should be that our hours of service don’t allow time for this type of innate human kindness.  The award should have been for doing the kindness despite the HOS pressures.