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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Truckers Make a Boy’s Day


On Saturday, July 6, dozens of truck drivers came together to celebrate with a six-year-old Missouri boy named Bentlee McGeehon, struggling with health issues.

The boy’s mother, Alisha, posted the following appeal on Facebook:

“This is my 6-year-old special needs son. He loves semis (he calls them beep beeps). I was wondering if anyone would be willing to send pics of there semis to him. He broke his femur and had rods put in his leg and now they think he had a stroke at some point. He would love to cover a wall with different kinds of semis. I would be grateful to anyone that would send him pics. His name is Bentlee McGeehon please PM me for address. He would love to get pics in [the] mail. Thank you all so much.”

Bentlee’s story reached John Miller, who organized an event called, ‘Beep Beeps for Bentlee’ at the local fairgrounds.

Around 40 truckers came together with friends and family to convoy Bentlee around the fairgrounds. He also got to ride in the cabin of a semi-truck.

Alisha, Bentlee’s mom, said he “had an amazing day.”