Classes 5-8 net orders slowed in April to 59,600 units reflecting seasonal trends but were still up 40% year-over-year, according to preliminary data from ACT Research.
“On that basis, April’s orders were bigger than any month in 2017 as activity in both the medium- and heavy-duty vehicle markets remained strong,” said Kenny Vieth, ACT’s president and senior analyst. “Our preliminary look at North American Classes 5-8 net orders for April show that orders rose 40% year-over-year. Seasonally adjusted, April’s orders fell 12% from March.”
Medium-duty orders were down 16% from March, but up 33% year-over-year, at 24,800 units.
Class 8 orders remained strong.
“In ACT’s 30-plus years of collecting industry statistics, the Class 8 market has never had four consecutive months in which orders exceeded 40,000 units,” Vieth said. |Preliminary data indicate that the wall remains in place as 34,800 Class 8 net orders were booked in April, stopping the latest string of 40k-plus order months at three.”