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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Report Highlights ‘inconsistent’ CSA Enforcement

There appears to be an ongoing “enforcement disparity” by state, and even counties, when it comes to Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) inspections, according to a report by software engineering and data mining firm Vigillo LLC.

In an article by Fleet Owner magazine, Steven Bryan, Vigillo’s CEO, noted that the study – entitled Comprehensive State Enforcement Statistics – found that carriers experienced an “inconsistent level of enforcement across the states they operate in.”

“For example, we found that state-level data indicated Arizona wrote up the most violations for ‘non-English speaking’ drivers,” Bryan told Fleet Owner. “But in drilling down into the data, we found 99% of those violation write-ups occurred in just Pima County, which sits right on the border with Mexico.”

Vigillo’s data analysis determined several other findings, inclduing, for example,Cecil County, Maryland, was home to the most tire tread violation write-ups in the U.S.

“This is the kind of information fleets should make all their operations personnel – drivers, dispatchers, and load planners – aware of if they operate in those areas,” said Bryan. “It’s just important for every carrier to understand what they’re facing in the area in which they operate.

He said in a federal program like CSA enforcement ideally should be uniform across the states, “but the report will reveal that unfortunately that is not necessarily the case.”