6.4 C
Friday, March 14, 2025

New agreement allows PrePass users to bypass weigh stations in British Columbia

New agreement allows PrePass users to bypass weigh stations in British Columbia

PrePass®, the most utilized truck weigh station bypass platform with over 620,000 trucks enrolled, is now expanding into Canada, helping trucking fleets and drivers save more time and money than ever before.

A new agreement between PrePass Safety Alliance and British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure allows PrePass users to bypass weigh stations in British Columbia, adding 11 locations to PrePass bypass sites. PrePass users who want to bypass at Weigh2GoBC locations only need to visit the Weigh2GoBC website to register for the BCeID (British Columbia electronic ID), and enroll their truck(s) with the PrePass transponder for the Weigh2GoBC service.

No additional fees are required for carriers to enroll PrePass transponders in or to participate in the Weigh2GoBC program. However, service at Weigh2GoBC sites is available through transponder-based bypassing only and is not compatible with cellular bypass services.

The agreement also allows Canadian-based trucks and fleets that are using Weigh2GoBC to fully use PrePass bypassing in the United States, subject to individual states’ PrePass bypass criteria. These same trucks and fleets can also use PrePass’ electronic toll payment services within the program’s area of operation.

Transponders allow qualified trucks to bypass weigh stations by electronically verifying a truck’s legal weight, safety rating and credentials while the truck operates at highway speeds. Based on the carrier’s safety score, credentials and truck weight, drivers receive on their transponder either a green light to continue driving or a red light indicating they must report to the weigh station for a possible inspection or weighing on a static scale. Transponder use keeps safe and compliant trucks on the road, reduces travel time, improves overall highway safety and reduces fuel consumption.

Previously, PrePass drivers and fleets operating in British Columbia obtained a Weigh2GoBC transponder from the British Columbia government, meaning some drivers had to carry two transponders. The new agreement means drivers can carry just one transponder — PrePass or Weigh2GoBC — because the systems are now fully interoperable.

For information on Weigh2GoBC, visit www.weigh2gobc.ca