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Friday, July 26, 2024

Minister of Transport Proposes Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations to Support the International Bridges and Tunnels Act

OTTAWA — The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, today announced proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (AMP Regulations) to establish an efficient and inclusive method outside of the courts to address violations under the International Bridges and Tunnels Act. The proposed AMP Regulations would set up a ticketing system by creating fines for infractions under the Act and Regulations. For example, penalties could be imposed for the construction of an international bridge without government approval or if a corporate owner fails to submit an inspection report to the Minister. These penalties would encourage people to comply, while offering a quick and effective enforcement tool for most offences. Penalties would range from a maximum of $5,000 per day for individuals to a maximum of $25,000 per day for corporations. Current enforcement tools include issuing Ministerial Orders and initiating criminal proceedings. “These proposed Regulations would improve the Government of Canada’s ability to efficiently oversee existing international bridges and tunnels,” said Minister Strahl. “They would help ensure important infrastructure continues to operate safely and effectively.” On February 18, 2009, the Government of Canada announced the International Bridges and Tunnels Regulations to support the International Bridges and Tunnels Act. The Regulations require owners of Canada’s international bridges and tunnels to inspect these structures and report regularly to the Minister of Transport on their safety. The Act, which received Royal Assent in 2007, has formalized the federal government’s oversight responsibility for the operation, maintenance and security of international bridges and tunnels. The Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations would help enforce this responsibility. The proposed regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on January 29, 2011. A 30-day response period will follow, closing March 1, 2011. During this period, interested parties may provide their comments to Transport Canada. After considering all comments received, the department will finalize the Regulations and publish them in the Canada Gazette, Part II, at which time the Regulations will come into effect. There are currently 25 vehicular international bridges and tunnels, and nine international railway structures with various forms of ownership and governance structures covered under the Act.