Trucking industry representatives from across Canada will soon take part in a series of regional roundtables that will help to clearly define the knowledge, skills, and abilities that truck drivers are expected to demonstrate on the job.
The initiative is the latest phase of Trucking HR Canada’s Driving the Future project, which is supported by the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and every provincial trucking association.
Trucking HR Canada says the roundtables will produce detailed information to help guide driving schools when developing training programs, ensure that graduating drivers are more employable, and better meet the trucking industry’s needs. The work also represents an important step toward mandatory entry-level driver training, and efforts to recognize truck driving as a skilled occupation.
“Each provincial association will invite a broad cross-section of industry members to participate in the roundtables,” says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada. “These moderated sessions will help us tap into their expertise so that we clearly understand what drivers need to know, and ensure that the information reflects regional realities.”
Regional roundtables are being scheduled between August and October. The draft standard that emerges will then be circulated throughout the trucking industry for review and comments.
The three-year Driving the Future project is supported with $1.2 million in funding from Employment and Social Development Canada. The work is also a direct response to recent recommendations by the CTA’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Truck Driver Shortage in Canada, and a landmark Conference Board of Canada report on the shortage.