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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

From Amar Fuels to Jete’s Trucking…..A Proud Journey

What constitutes the foundation and backbone of a successful transportation company? According to Terry Mattu, General Manager of Jete’s Trucking Ltd., success is built upon honesty, integrity, and a dedication to providing unparalleled customer service to clients. He should know, since Jete’s Trucking has been in business for over forty five years.
It seems trucking is in the Mattu family’s blood. Terry’s grandfather, the late Amar Singh Mattu, established and operated Amar Fuels, a transportation company, which delivered fuel to businesses all over the lower mainland. After the success of Amar Fuels, Jete’s Trucking Ltd. was founded in 1961, and the rest is history. Terry’s father and Amar’s son, Mickey, began to work with his father to grow and expand the company. Later, Terry and his younger brother Billy, began to work for the company as well. Now, Mickey, Terry, and Billy operate one of the most successful transportation businesses in Western Canada. Business has been so good that in fact, in 2005, the three also launched MTB Freightways Ltd., a sister corporation to Jete’s Trucking.
Both Jete’s Trucking and MTB Freightways transport lumber, steel, plywood, and other goods across Western Canada and North-western United States. In addition, MTB Freightways also transports containers and marine equipment. According to Terry, their fleet of over 33 trucks are constantly in motion. But, at no time is safety ever compromised. “We conduct regular maintenance on all of our trucks because the safety of our operators, goods being transported, and other drivers on the road is our main priority,” says Terry. “In addition, all 35 of our staff members, including office personnel,
attend regular workshops to stay up-to-date with standards and regulations.” And it shows, as both Jete’s Trucking and MTB Freightways have impeccable safety records.
Even though both Terry, now 33, and Billy, now 26, are young, they have years of experience in the transportation business. “I began driving for our company when I was 19 years old,” says Terry, “and so did my brother.” In fact, both brothers still drive when needed, or when they feel like ‘getting behind the wheel.’ When not working long hours, Terry enjoys spending time with his family, especially his one-year old son. Both brothers also have a passion of automobiles, and have a number of classic collectibles.
Mickey is semi-retired, but still oversees all operations. Terry and Billy are now at the reigns of their family owned and operated companies. It is safe to say that both Jete’s Trucking and MTB Freightways are in good hands.