As of Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014, the Federal Highway Administration officially missed its deadline to produce its Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study. The agency now says it will publish the report sometime in 2015. It is, however, giving the public another opportunity to comment on the issue.
Congress mandated the study and set the deadline in the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century highway bill.
“We recognize many people, including Congress, are eagerly awaiting the release of the report,” says the FHWA. “However, the department is committed to producing the most objective, data-driven report possible. Based on the current status and the scope and importance of the task at hand, we have had to delay completion of the study until 2015.”
With the announcement of the delay, the FHWA released the full docket (FHWA-2014-0035) for the study and given the public additional time to comment on the topic of truck size and weight limits. Previous comment periods took place earlier this year and in 2013. The new comment period is intended to allow for more informed comments based on the information in the docket.