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Friday, March 14, 2025

FMCSA Changes Instructions for Off-Duty Time

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has simplified its instructions for driver off-duty time, according to U.S. trade media.

According to Heavy Duty Trucking, the old guidance said that the driver had to get written instructions from his employer spelling out how long the off-duty time would be. The agency said the agency said the old requirement discouraged drivers from taking breaks or documenting those breaks in their logs.

Under the new guidance, effective today, there is no requirement for employer instructions, either written or verbal.

The new guidance says drivers may record meal and other routine stops, including the 30-minute break required by the new hours of service rule, as off-duty time provided they are relieved of duty for the truck and its cargo and they are at liberty to do what they want during the break.

See the full notice in the Federal Register.