On Tuesday, Sept. 20, ExxonMobil will introduce the new product line and details of its Mobil Delvac-branded CK-4 and FA-4 commercial vehicle engine oils.
These new oils are designed to meet the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Proposed Category 11 (PC-11) lubricant specification, set to go into effect on Dec.1.
“ExxonMobil has played a key role in the development and advancement of specifications and testing parameters of the upcoming PC-11 lubricant specification,” said Simon Watson, global product offer advisor – commercial vehicle lubricants, ExxonMobil.
“Since 2011, ExxonMobil has applied its robust research and testing capabilities toward the API’s PC-11 lubricant specification,” the company noted. “To date, ExxonMobil has accrued more than 30 million miles of testing for its range of CK-4 and FA-4 formulations, by working closely with major commercial vehicle manufacturers, engine builders and fleets.”
To learn more about the new specification, check out the company’s “PC-11: Overview of the upcoming API specification change” video.