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Friday, March 14, 2025

Cargo Theft Down Overall, but Uptick in Electronics, Auto Parts

The rate of cargo thefts dropped this past summer compared to the second quarter, but there was a increase in the theft of electronics, auto/parts and pharmaceuticals, according FreightWatch International.

The average value of thefts for the period of June-August was $139,172, a 5.6 percent decrease in average value from the previous quarter, according to the FreightWatch Cargo Theft Report.

Food/drinks was the most-stolen product category in the last three months, although its percentage decreased slightly as thefts, in general, decreased. Products in this category include soft drinks, coffee and frozen meat.

Despite the recent decrease overall, there has been a slight increase in the theft of electronics, auto/parts and pharmaceuticals.

Unsecured parking was the location with the most thefts for those incidents with a recorded location. Secured parking had the second-most theft occurrences, with about half as many thefts as in unsecured parking.

Following usual trends, incidents involving theft of trailers were seen most often, accounting for 78 percent of all thefts during this quarter. Thefts involving deceptive pickups rose slightly, making up 7 percent of all thefts.