6.4 C
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Alberta Bans Use of CB Radio — It’s distracting

Alberta Transportation recognizes that distracted driving is an issue across North America and around the world. Alberta’s distracted driving law was designed to send a strong safety message to all Albertan’s that when you are in your vehicle your focus must be on driving. On January 1, 2016, three (3) demerits were added for those convicted of distracted driving in Alberta. The demerits are in addition to a fine of $287.

Alberta Transportation is not considering making additional changes to the current distracted driving legislation at this time. When the distracted driving law was developed in 2011 many different stakeholders were consulted, including the Alberta Motor Transport Association, Alberta Sand and Gravel Association, and many stakeholders representing truck drivers. The public could also provide input via an online survey.

Based on this feedback, a provision was created to permit radio communications, such as CB (Citizen’s Band) radios, for certain commercial purposes. CBs can be used to maintain contact when escorting oversized vehicles, to contact one’s employer, and in search/rescue and emergency management situations. This provision can be found is section 115.1(3) of the Traffic Safety Act.

Basically, don’t use your CB in Alberta – the nearly $300 fine and three demerit points isn’t worth the day in court.