4.4 C
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Paying drivers adequately could reduce the persistent turn over situation.


Drivers aren’t complicated.  They want the simple things in life.  Decent pay for the work they do.; to be at home on a regular basis;  AND, not to be called when they’re on family time.  But, according to a recent survey pay is at the head of the list.  They are not satisfied with the industry be all, end all, pay by the mile.   It’s outdated and unfair.  Drivers are seeking out those employers who have a better, more fair pay structure.

The survey shows that a clear majority of company drivers enjoy what they do and would like to stay in the industry – provided they can make a good living and be paid for all the work they do and compensated for out of pocket expenses.

Thirty-two point seven percent, are happy being a company driver providing their pay increases annually.   Twenty-four percent indicate they eventually want to become an owner operator.  While 10.9 percent want to move into a non-driving job in a fleet.

Asked about their prime motivators. 34% said “more money”; 16.9% more home time; similarly, more control over routes being offered.