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Friday, March 14, 2025

FMCSA Honours Drivers

A number of organizations representing the commercial truck and bus industries presented the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration with a poster honouring 76 professional drivers for their millions of miles of accident-free driving. “We present this poster on behalf of the truck and bus industry recognizing these tremendous professional drivers,” said Sean McNally, American Trucking Associations’ vice president of public affairs, in a brief ceremony at FMCSA headquarters.

“There are 4 million professional drivers on the road, and these men and women are the pinnacle of their profession. We hope this will hang in the foyer so visitors and staff of FMCSA can be reminded that they have many safety partners here but none more important than our professional men and women who are behind the wheel of our trucks and buses.”

In addition to ATA, representatives of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the American Moving & Storage Association, the American Bus Association and United Motorcoach Association, presented the poster to Acting FMCSA Administrator Scott Darling.

“We congratulate all the drivers for being a part of something that the trucking industry can look to as the epitome of safe driving. Those men and women are the unsung heroes that carry the lifeblood of the nation and make it all work,” said OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer.

“The American Moving & Storage Association is pleased with this recognition of the moving industry’s drivers who have driven millions of miles safely and responsibly all across the country. Making sure customers get their goods in the safest, most professional way possible is the moving industry’s top priority, and we are honored that this poster will serve as a reminder of that commitment with the public and federal officials,” said Dan Veoni, AMSA vice president of government affairs. FMCSA said the poster will be hung in a formal event later this spring.

“We’re pleased that FMCSA has taken this step to honor the professional men and women who move America’s goods safely each day,” said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves, “and we look forward to seeing it hung prominently in the halls of FMCSA headquarters.”