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Sunday, February 16, 2025

30-day consultation: Update of Transport Canada Standard TP 14850

30-day consultation: Update of Transport Canada Standard TP 14850

The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate has released the proposed second draft of the third edition of the Transport Canada Standard TP 14850 Small Containers for Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Classes 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8, and 9 (the Standard).

Highlights of the updated standard include:
• Updated TP 14850 requirements to improve alignment with the nineteenth edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Orange Book);
• Revisited packing instructions to improve structure, presentation and usability;
• Added a requirement where container manufacturers will now have to periodically retest a representative sample of a container at an interval of no more than five years;
• Incorporated a conditional exemption for the use of plastic drums and jerricans past 60 months of the date of manufacture; and
• Clarified the requirements for transporting dangerous goods waste.

To request a copy of the proposed revision, please send an email to TDGRegulatoryProposal-TMDPropositionReglementaire@tc.gc.ca.

Submission of comments
At this time, Transport Canada is seeking comments during the final development process of the updated Transport Canada Standard TP 14850.
The feedback received will be taken into consideration in the development of the final standard.

Comments must be provided in writing, by May 31, 2017, to:
John Paul Handrigan
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate
Transport Canada
Place de Ville, Tower C, 9th Floor
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0N5
Fax: 613-993-5925
Email: TDGRegulatoryProposal-TMDPropositionReglementaire@tc.gc.ca